GEO's Commitment to Respect Human Rights

For more than 32 years, The GEO Group has built a reputation on its commitment to respect the human rights of all individuals in the company’s care. In 2013, the GEO Board of Directors formalized that commitment when it adopted the GEO Global Human Rights Policy. In that policy, GEO acknowledged the unique nature of its operations as a service provider of corrections, residential treatment, and monitoring related services to governmental entities, and significant role that respect for human rights plays in those operations.

The GEO Group believes that integration of that policy into daily operations is as important to the company as having the policy itself. To that end, following GEO’s adoption of its Global Human Rights Policy in 2013, the GEO Group developed and rolled out a comprehensive training program to inform and educate all current employees on the company’s commitment to respect human rights. All new GEO corrections officers and employees are required to participate in this training. GEO is also working with key stakeholders to help the company understand different perspectives on human rights in correctional facilities and processing centers, and to learn how it can improve its operations to fulfill the commitments contained in the Global Human Rights Policy.

GEO’s implementation of its commitment to respect human rights is a process that requires ongoing assessment of its efforts, and continuous improvement. The GEO Group is committed to that process, and that commitment stems from the highest level of the organization.

GEO Adopts Human Rights Policy and Rolls out Comprehensive Training on Respect for Human Rights

GEO's Global Human Rights Policy Human Rights Training Module